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What is Supervision for Spiritual Directors/Companions?

Supervision is a conversation between peers and the focus is the well-being of the directee. The atmosphere of group supervision is collegial using the discernment model. The focus is the relationship between the companion/directee and the location of the movement of the Holy Spirit within a concrete direction session.  In this model all of the reactions of the companion are important.

Focus questions allow the companion to examine a particular session for its gifts and challenges. A focus question looks for the underlying dynamics in a particular moment to discern the presence/action of the Holy Spirit in a concrete moment/movement in the direction relationship. 

Supervision is intended to encourage the upholding of the SDI (Spiritual Directors International) ethics for spiritual companions which include receiving regular supervision for our ministry of spiritual direction. Ideal Peer Groups range in size from 4-8 participants.

“Supervision is a contemplative, sacred process undertaken individually or in conversation among multiple spiritual directors. The supervision process invites the spiritual director to take time to explore what is beneath the surface: to better understand oneself, to discover how best to accompany seekers, and to acknowledge how Spirit is present and active in the spiritual direction relationship.”

(SDI Code of Ethics)

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