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Going Deeper
with Ken Larson

A network of people interested in contemplative practices is happening online. The experience called Invitation to Go Deeper is a monthly sharing, over few hours on a Saturday morning, usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month.


Participants to date have primarily been from the religious traditions of Episcopal, Lutheran, and Catholic churches, as well as from Spiritual But Not Religious faiths. We partner with the interfaith community for shared wisdom.


We have explored ancient monastic practices of slowing down and meditating on Sacred texts, using a variety of forms of meditation such as centering prayer and lectio divina (sacred reading). The purpose of the practice is to help us wake up and be present to the moment and to God who is always present to and in us. Our practice themes usually emphasize the integration of contemplation with action that relates to current needs in our world.


For more information and/or to be added to the contact list for future Going Deeper events, send an email to Ken Larson khlarsonsd at

A free-will donation is gratefully accepted to cover expenses for events.

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