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Directors in Idaho, Alaska and Oregon


Liz Ryder - lizryder217 at

Liz Ryder has served as a healthcare chaplain since 2010, specializing in areas of trauma, hospice, grief/loss, cancer and chronic illness. She is an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is a 2022 graduate of the CFDM Nevada cohort. People of any (or no) spiritual affiliation or faith background who desire a greater awareness of their life, relationships and belonging to something greater than themself are welcome to meet with her for spiritual direction. Influenced by her Irish and Iroquois ancestors, she places a high value on nature and the wisdom found in flowing with the natural rhythms of life.


Chaplain Ellysia (Ell) Waters - ellysiawaters at

I am a hospital and hospice chaplain who believes God is with us and loves us without exception. I desire to journey with others who are longing for open space to be with God in quiet or new ways. I live near the ocean in Oregon—and sometimes have availability to offer hospitality to those who may want to have personal rest or retreat in a safe place with a compassionate listener. 


Jenny Rowe - jennysmithrowe at

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